1. 연호 : 두자리씩 끊어서 읽음.
1965 : nineteen sixty - five
2. 시각 : 11 : 30 a.m. : eleven thirty a.m.
3. 전화번호 : 한자리씩 끊어 읽음
364 - 5195 : three six four,five one nine five
4. 온도계
25 C : twenty - five degrees Centigrade
80 F : eighty degrees Fahrenheit
5. 37 : five point [decimal] three seven
0.205 : nought point [decimal] two nought five
6.날짜 June 5 : June (the) fifth, the fifth of June
7.왕호 Elizabeth Ⅱ : Elizabeth the second
1/3 ; a third 3/4 ; three quarters, three - fourths
2/3 ; two - thirds 1/2 ; one half, a half
9. 기수의 서수 대용
Chapter Ⅱ ; chapter two, the second chapter
No. 3 : number three, the third number
World War Ⅱ ; World War two, the second World War
10. 기타 관용적 표현
| by twos and threes (삼삼오오로) ten to one (십중 팔구) |
| in one's thirties (30대에) at first (처음에는) |
| in one's teens (10대에) for the first time (처음으로) |
| second to none (누구에게도 뒤지지 않은, 최고의) |
☞ the third largest city = the largest city but two